The Best-Behaved Dog Breeds to Get

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, or Cavy, has a charming, eager-to-please nature. He s friendly with both pets and humans, making him great for multi-pet families and homes with kids.

Golden Retriever

Sporty and smart, the Golden Retriever excels in obedience and hunting. His friendly nature makes him a social butterfly, and his affectionate personality shines in family settings.


The Poodle, whether toy, miniature, or standard, is highly intelligent and trainable. Originally bred for duck hunting, this German breed is now a popular companion with a manageable energy level.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, working breed with a heart of gold. Eager to please, he excels in obedience training with positive methods and loves spending time with his family, especially kids.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the U.S. due to his intelligent, fun-loving nature. He learns quickly and loves to please, making him a well-behaved and focused training partner.


Named for his butterfly ears, the Papillon is a small but fierce competitor in agility and obedience. Eager to please and full of personality, this toy breed is a delight to train and loves lounging in laps.


The Havanese is a smart and sensitive lap dog. He responds well to cues, especially with treats or belly rubs as rewards. Avoid harsh methods, as this breed thrives on positive reinforcement.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a well-known police dog breed with a sharp mind and a desire to please. This brainy breed quickly learns new commands and responds promptly to known ones.